His Word

When People Speak Before They Listen

Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.

Proverbs 18:2, NIV

The book of proverbs is filled with practical wisdom that could help people live a fruitful and blessed life. There, you will learn how to identify the wise or foolish people. One of the things that King Solomon mentioned about foolish people was that they find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Sometimes, they speak before they listen. They judge before they check the background of the story. They are quick to misinterpret the situation or other people because they choose to value their own opinions.

Sometimes, I am one of these people. Unknowingly, I failed to listen to others before I make conclusions. That’s why, this verse is a great reminder for me to pause and listen. And I hope this will also remind not just me but all of us who failed to understand others. I admit, this is not an easy thing to do especially when you grow up in an environment where you always voice out your own opinion.

It’s hard to change this kind of attitude, but the good news is, the Holy Spirit will help us. He will be the One who will convict us to love and listen. The Spirit will write the scriptures in our hearts. And when we choose to listen and follow His instructions, the way we interpret our situation will slowly change. That’s when we realize that our opinions are sometimes not necessarily the truth.

Aside from that, the Holy Spirit will also lead us back to Jesus. And when we realize who He is in our lives, that’s when our character will also change. His love will transform our hearts. It’s Jesus who will compel us to be kind and be compassionate to others. It’s Jesus who will teach us how to humbly listen.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for your great love. Thank you for teaching me to slowly change my negative character. Lord, please teach me how to listen. Please give me a heart that’s always willing to understand. I pray for more of your grace, that I may learn to pause and think of my words. And may I glorify you with my deeds. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, amen.