
When the burden is too heavy, Come to God and Cry it out to Him

Sometimes, the best thing to do is just to cry. People may think that you are weak and so vulnerable, but your tears have the power to purify your soul. Pour them out to God and tell Him everything. He knows the background story. You don’t even have to explain everything. He knows the reasons behind your tears. And even before you want to defend yourself in the presence of God, He is already fighting with you. Even before the very first drop of tears came out in your weary eyes, your loving Father is already doing some miracles behind the scene. He is sending His angels to comfort and collect your tears. So surrender all your burdens to your Father. He is listening to you. He cares for your soul, and He wants you to be set free from the painful wounds that you experienced.

God will fill your heart with enough strength. He will replace the tears with the courage to face another beginning. You may not always feel His comfort and embrace, but He is always there helping your wounded heart to survive. He is powerful. It means that He can make things new in your life. He is not abandoning you in this season. Just because you encounter unexpected circumstances doesn’t mean He already forgets about you. Sometimes, obstacles exist to help you realize that you badly need His grace. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable in His presence. You can always trust Him. He won’t betray you or even break your soul. In fact, He wants you to experience the fullness of this life.

He loves you so much. He is so determined to give you blessings that are more than you deserve. You may not appreciate them for now because you find it hard to comprehend His goodness in the middle of the wilderness, but the time will come when you will realize how much He cared for you. One day, He will open your eyes to the things you fail to appreciate. When you can’t seem to find the hope that you need, God is there, giving you enough reasons to keep going. So stay connected in His heart. Let His compassion and grace motivate you to keep going.

You are not meant to carry the burdens on your own. Let go and surrender them all to God. Give up your own understanding and align your thoughts to His will. Stop controlling the things that you can’t control. Be patient and wait for His hands to move. Consult Him in every decision that you make. Consistently read His words so that you will be familiar with His voice. Know who your God is, and you will have the confidence to overcome your season. If you are tired and weary, come to His presence and remind yourself about His great power.