
When the Situation requires you to Keep going while your Heart is Breaking

You will make it. You may find it hard to comprehend the things that God allowed you to experience, but take this moment as your chance to grow. Sometimes, life feels so harsh. You tried to follow what God asks you to do, thinking that He will protect you from pain, but God’s ways are higher than our ways. His wisdom is higher than our expectations. And just because our heart is breaking doesn’t mean we can no longer move forward. Just because we go through problems doesn’t mean there’s no hope left. You will overcome the circumstances that you are facing. Just don’t allow the pain to hinder you from experiencing the future that God prepared. Your weaknesses may try to prevail, but keep in mind that God’s strength will always be there.

You don’t have to walk on your own. Allow Jesus to hold your hands. Don’t face your situation as if nobody cares for you. Ask for God’s help. Lean on His shoulders. Call upon His name, and He will be there. You may not always feel His presence, but He will slowly open the eyes of your heart so that you will appreciate His blessings behind the scenes. He will teach you how to be more sensitive to His ways. Jesus will lead you to God’s heart. Connect to Him and stop doing things alone. Acknowledge His favors and promises. Hold on to what He said. It’s in this moment that you will experience more of His miracles. It’s when you will receive His great love and healing.

You will grow after this season. Keep moving, and when the time is right, you will look back and appreciate the hands of God. You will realize how He carefully orchestrated the path that you went through. Things will make sense in the end because you will appreciate your growth. You will figure out the reasons why God allowed you to experience brokenness. You will never be the same after this. So don’t give up. Focus on the great plans of God. Trust in the future that He prepared. Know that He sees your potential, and He wants you to reach them. Sometimes, it means that He will lead you to experience difficulties so that you will discover more of yourself and more of God.

Don’t worry; your pain will never be wasted. God will never allow you to go through something that you can’t overcome. Just don’t focus on your strength. You need to remind yourself that every storm is an opportunity for you to trust and believe in God’s promises. This is the perfect time for you to grow and flourish in His presence. Behind the wounds are God’s testimonies. Soon, you will share His goodness in your life. You will boldly proclaim the miracles that God did in the midst of the darkness. And above all, you will be able to testify to those who are struggling how faithful God is.