
When we pray

Not all the time
Prayers change situation
But it can change the heart
Of a faithful person

The more you talk to God
You will know your heart
It’s important to know what’s inside
Because it affects what goes outside

So keep on praying
God is listening to you
At the same time,
He is also speaking to your heart

It is your conversation with God
You are talking to Him
While He opens His ears
You also need to open your heart

Let His love come in
And heal the wounds inside
Allow Him to speak His words
And let your heart know it is what you need

God does not always give a solution
Not because He doesn’t help you
But He wants you to see things
In the lens of His love

You are already surrounded by answers
You are just looking at something else
Which makes you ignore what’s around you
And the thing He provided for you

Your prayers are the best way
To connect to His heart
There’s no formula for it
You just have to speak what’s in your heart