When you are no Longer Surrounded by People who used to Support you
The support and encouragement we receive from the community around us are very helpful. They remind us that life may be difficult, but we need to keep going because there are still people who believe in us. But if you are no longer surrounded by those people, then maybe God is teaching you how to depend on Him and not on others. When it seems like you are alone, you need to remember that He never leaves your side. He wants you to trust in Him and stop relying on what other people can do to you.
There’s nothing wrong with joining a community or group of people who have the same values as yours, but if you treat them as more important than God, then expect a drastic change in your life. Know that God wants you to focus on Him. You need to treat Him as the core of your being. And when you learn to put Him at the center, then you will not be easily shaken by the things happening around you. When you are whole on the inside, then you will no longer treat other people as greater than God. Instead, you will see them as God’s vessels to bless your life.
Take this moment as your opportunity to grow closer to God. Focus on His power and love. Spend more time with Him. When you can’t find the help you expect from others, come to Him and let Him fill the empty spaces in your heart. Expect more of His blessings, and you will receive them. Let Him introduce to you what following Him truly means. It’s not just about going to church every Sunday or praying to Him every night. It takes commitment and intentional actions so that you will know Him more.
When you are in a place where you can’t feel the presence of your family and friends, then maybe it’s the time for you to set your eyes on God and let Him make you whole from the inside out. Enjoy His company in this season. Just embrace His peace, joy, and love. Know that better days are coming. Just treat everything that He allowed to happen as an opportunity for you to become the person He created you to be. Soon, you will see yourself depending on God and not on other people.
Don’t worry because you will meet new friends along the way. God will send the right people who can help and lead you to the right path. But it will happen the moment you fix your eyes on Him. Focus on His goodness, and you will appreciate the blessings around you. He will provide for what you need. If He didn’t give you friends yet, then may He knows that you can make it just by solely relying on Him. He knows your heart. He will never make you feel abandoned.
Just listen to His voice, and you will be guided. Trust in His ways because He knows what’s best for you. He sees what’s ahead, and He has already prepared what you need. Walk closer to Him, and you will enjoy the things that He provided for you. When the time is right, God will send the right people. Have faith, and don’t lose hope. Maybe, for now, He knows that what you need is just Him and not somebody else. Take this moment as your chance to know His heart. Let His love consume you from the inside out, and you will no longer depend on someone else. Instead, He will become the source of your love and strength.
God is always there to support you. Just remember that people come and go, but He will stay with you no matter what happens. Trust in His great love for you and know that He is all you need. Rely on Him and keep your faith. Stop expecting others to do the things that only God can do. One day, you will realize that He loves you so much. He never leaves your side.
When you feel alone, just call upon His name, and He will be there. Pray that God will show you who He truly is so that when trouble comes your way, you will ask for His help and not from others. If you only know how powerful He is, you will surely stop thinking of your expectations. Instead, you will acknowledge Him in everything that you do.

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Nathaniel Myles