When you become so Self-centered, you also become Shortsighted
Life will give you so many challenges and obstacles. It will lead you to experience unexpected pain and heartaches, and it will push you to focus on yourself. The negative things that happened in your life became a driving force for you to protect your heart. And because you focus on yourself too much, you tend to forget the rest of the things that God entrusted to you. The unexpected twists turned out to be the reason why you always magnify your situation. There’s nothing wrong with dealing with your problems, but if you only focus on them, you won’t be able to appreciate the future that God prepared. Don’t be so self-centered that you already miss the blessings that God provided not just in your life but also for the people that you love.
Life is not always about you. Yes, you need to take good care of yourself, but doing things out of your selfish desires will do you no good. Thinking about your own will and plans will just lead you to live an unfulfilled life. Everyone exists not just to satisfy themselves. There’s something deeper and more important than focusing on the things that you want to happen. You are blessed to become a blessing. It means that your problems exist not just to teach you something, but God is birthing a blessing behind the scene that will soon glorify His name. So patiently abide in His ways and focus not on yourself but on the things that your Creator wants you to do.
Let God open your eyes so that you will appreciate the purpose that He planted in your heart. Don’t rely on your own understanding. The reason why you fail to see the bigger vision is that you just listen to your own voice. Try to seek God’s will. Let His grace and love consume your heart, and only then will you slowly see the wonderful things that He is doing behind the obstacles that you are facing. He is transforming you into a person that is responsible enough to handle His great blessings. God’s purpose is greater than what you can possibly imagine. He wants you to focus on Him so that you will clearly see the road that He wants you to take.
God’s desire is always greater than your fears. Maybe you can’t help thinking about yourself because you already went through so much pain in life. You wanted to protect yourself so that you would no longer feel broken. You just want to be happy and live in peace. But God can give you that kind of life. It’s just His ways are so different than what you expect. Things won’t always turn out well, but as you go through the journey with Him, you will realize that all you need is His presence.