When you don’t know what to pray, just Thank God for everything
We sometimes get on our knees feeling so overwhelmed about everything in our life that we end up saying nothing. Tears ran down our faces as we remember how frustrating it feels to not control things and just let them get out of our hands. We feel sad and anxious but know that our seasons of pain and suffering is only a part of life. We fell into the trap of feeling so pressured about everything that has been going on around us. We feel like life’s goodness leaves our comfort. But we must remind ourselves that greater is He who is living in us than those around us. When we don’t know what to say and what help to ask, let us just thank God for His goodness in our lives. Let us utter the gratitude that’s keeping us alive.
Sometimes, being grateful for everything is a hard thing to do, especially when we feel so lost and broken. But let us remember that God knows what’s going on in our lives. He knows the state of our hearts. He knows what kind of healing we need. That is why, no matter what season we are in, let us always put ourselves on our knees.
No matter how overwhelming things are in our lives, let us turn those into words of gratitude. Let us remember all the blessings and favors that God has given us. We cannot be grateful if we only see the wrong side of things. We know that our God is powerful, and He does listen to our cries. He will do more in our lives if we invite Him within us. All the pain and struggle are not easy to overcome. But know that we can get through it because He is within us.
Let us thank God for the gift of life. Let us thank Him for the time and the opportunities that come our way. Let us thank Him for the lessons that bound us with our faith and helped us grow in His presence. Our lives may have pain, but there is always room and memory for joy, happiness, and gratitude. Let us set our lens to His faithfulness and see things that way. Rather than complaining about the wild stuff, let us thank Him for the strength that keeps us going.
Instead of crying out loud for the pain of rejection, let us thank Him that we were able to try and overcome some of our fears. When we set our minds to positive things, we will see and live life smoother. That is because we know that complaining won’t get something better, but thanking God for everything will help us feel lighter and be optimistic about the possibilities in life.
Positive thinking attracts good energy. A grateful mind attracts blessings. So, let us start thanking God for everything. Then, when we don’t know how to overcome things, let us remember and utter His goodness in our lives. We have been through rough times, and God was faithful to us. Not that God loses His faithfulness, but His worth is immeasurable, and we are bound with His love. Our situation may not be in our favor, but He is moving. And that is more than enough.