
When You Finally Accept The Fact That Mere Humans Can Never Fill The Emptiness Inside

One of the things that causes people to experience pain is the common mistake of depending on other human beings. People tend to expect others to fill the empty spaces in their hearts, thinking that it would be enough. This truth may be hard to swallow, but we need to slowly accept that mere humans can never fill the emptiness inside. They may temporarily give us the affection and love that we need, but it won’t be that consistent. Humans will fail. Our love will never be perfect.

The sad thing is that it would be hard for us to receive God’s love if we kept on focusing on what others could give us. He couldn’t come in if we kept on longing for temporary things. We can never hear His voice if we keep on following our own desires. It’s hard to feel His presence if we desire someone else to satisfy our hearts.

This is why we need to slowly accept the truth that we can never find perfect love in this world. But the good news is that we can still receive it only in the presence of God. He is just waiting for us to receive Him. We can only do this when we stop expecting others to fill the void inside. His love is available when we choose Him over the temporary things of this world.

When we receive His love, He will then empower us to love others the way He loved us. He will be the source of our hope and inspiration. And whenever we are tired of loving others, it’s God who will fill our hearts with more than enough strength and grace to keep on serving the people around us. It’s where the magic begins. When we finally accept the truth that we are loved by a perfect God, that’s when we will be empowered to bless the world and serve His people without expecting anything in return.

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