His Word

When You Find It Hard To Believe That God Answers Your Prayer

“You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.”

Acts 12:15, NIV

When Peter was arrested by King Herod, the early church fervently prayed for Him. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to Peter and set him free from prison. Peter then went to the house where the Christians gathered and to their surprise, they didn’t believe what the servant named Rhoda said. She recognized Peter’s voice and said to the disciples that he was knocking at the door. They won’t believe her that they even said to the servant that she’s out of her mind. She kept insisting and the disciples just said that it must’ve been his angel.

You see, these disciples where praying for Peter’s safety, but now, they find it hard to believe that God did answer their prayer. They had the faith to pray but had a little faith to receive the answers. Some of us can relate to these disciples. We love to pray for something to happen in our lives, and when God would answer our prayer, we somehow find it hard to believe that He really gave what we asked for.

God is faithful. He loves to help us. Even though there are prayers that He won’t answer but believe that He will still move. He will still say ‘yes’ to the cries of our hearts, as long as it aligns to His will. And when He gave us the desires of our hearts, may we learn to have the kind of faith that’s willing to receive His blessings.

May we have open hands and hearts to receive the miracles that He prepared for us. And instead of living with disbelief, may we learn to live as if God already answered our prayers. In such a way, we are preparing ourselves to receive His great blessings.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for reminding us that you are a God who answers prayers. Thank you for the great blessings that you prepared. Thank you for the grace that you showered upon us. We pray that you will give us the kind of faith that’s willing to hold on to your promises. We pray for the courage to wait on your answers. Please teach us how to believe in your mighty hands, even in moments when we can’t feel your presence. This we ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.