
When you give your life to God

When you give your life to God
You will discover the most profound part
The fundamental part of who you are
So allow God to take over your life

When you learn to listen to His voice
Giving up your life for His glory
This means discovering who we indeed are
In His eyes and in His presence

So if you got confused
Of what your real identity is
Always go back to God
And allow His to reign in your life

He knows you from the inside out
Someone who knows our purpose
It’s God and not the people around you
It’s He who reserves your purpose

God determines your life
Listen to His instructions and voice
If He challenges you to choose love
Then choose to follow Him

Choose to obey Him
Because that’s how you will grow
He knows where you should go
So don’t doubt His love for you

One Comment

  • Matsiliso

    All I ask is to know my purpose and my calling in life, everything seems to be complicated right now..😭😭