
When You Grow Weary And Tired, Remind Yourself That There Is God

The emotions you feel inside may consume your thoughts to the point that you find it hard to overcome it, the hope that you are holding in your heart slowly fades away, and what’s left are doubts and fears. You may grow weary and tired, but always remember that God exists. He is making way for you, so do not give up. It may not be an easy thing to do, but you can make it. God wants to help you, but you need to open your heart so that His love can come in and take away the fears you feel inside. He alone can restore your life. Do not be afraid. God’s love will never fail you because He is perfect, and He never commits mistakes.

You need to let go. Maybe you feel so tired because you are carrying everything on your own. But it’s time for you to surrender. Let God take good care of the worries you feel inside. If you think that you can no longer control the things around you, then let God guide you about the best thing to do. Stop putting everything on your shoulders. You deserve to be free. Just talk to God and surrender in His presence. And He will do something great in your life. Remember that you can never make it on your own. You need the love of God.

Just pause and take some rest. Pray to God and ask Him to teach you how to trust in Him even more. Let Him comfort you in this season. Do not be too hard on yourself. Your mind can’t stop thinking about the negative things because you are simply scared about what will happen next. You forget that God loves you so much. That’s why your heart is consumed with fear.  Remind yourself that God is faithful, and He will never abandon you. Receive His peace and let His love embrace you in this season.

God is victorious, and as long as you abide in Him, you will always experience breakthroughs in life. You are destined for victory. You just have to activate your faith. God is there with you. Yes, you can’t see Him, but one day, He will prove to you that He never leaves you behind. You will see His great miracles, and you will be amazed by the things that He is doing behind the scene.