Friendship,  Self Development

When you Pour out what you Feel to the Right Person

We all have baggage that we need to surrender. We are not meant to carry them alone. Sometimes, God will ask us to lay down those things in His presence, and there are also moments when He will send the right people to minister and comfort us. When that happens, we will feel so blessed and loved because their presence will remind us of the goodness and faithfulness of God.

So when you go through challenges in life, it’s very important that you are surrounded by people who know how to help you. Remember that “no man is an island.” God purposely allowed you to be part of a community or family so that you won’t feel alone along the journey. It’s a blessing from Him. Continue to spend time with the right people because they will lead you back to the arms of your loving Father.

This is how you will know if you are surrounded by the right people. First, they know how to listen. Not all people have the courage to patiently wait and listen to your heart. Some of them would immediately give you advice even though they haven’t heard your story. Choose to be with those who know how to intently listen to your wounded heart. Second, they genuinely care about you. They don’t ask anything in return. Instead, they just wait until you are ready to pour out everything to them. They will allow you to cry, and they won’t make you feel condemned. They believe in the goodness of your heart, and they allow God to use them so that they can properly attend to your needs. Lastly, the right people are mature enough to understand your emotions. They don’t judge or misinterpret what you feel. Instead, they allow you to become human, and they respect the thoughts you have.

If you meet the right people, you will find a safe place where you can hide and be vulnerable. You don’t need to keep yourself together. You can freely express what you feel. They will just give you a chance to be honest and transparent. You will find courage to go through the healing process with them. The moment you pour out what’s in your heart, you will feel that God is making things lighter. You will find rest and peace after you finish crying. When you have the right friends who will comfort you, the journey won’t be that hard. There may be pain, but you won’t feel alone and rejected.

On the other hand, we also need to take note that people are not God. We must not treat them as idols. But that doesn’t mean we will stop talking to them and live life on our own. God created humans, and they have a purpose in our lives. He can use them to make us feel loved and treasured. They exist because God wants them to be part of our stories.

What’s important is that you know who’s the source of every blessing you received. You won’t be able to treat others as idols as long as you acknowledge that God is the only reason why you are with them. So if you are having a hard time right now, pray that He will send the right people who can walk with you along the journey.

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