When your Mind is Telling you that there’s no Hope Left
There is always hope because God is with you. Never forget that, especially when you feel like giving up. If you can’t find the strength to get up, call upon your loving Father, and He will be there to strengthen you. Sometimes, we put Him in a box and think that He can only do simple things in our lives. But God is powerful, and He is beyond what you can comprehend. He is doing amazing things behind the circumstances that you are facing. So hold on to God and do not put your hope in things that will just fade away in the end. Choose to seek His will, and you will not be easily shaken. He will build your foundation so that no one can easily destroy you.
Surrender all your negative thoughts in the arms of God. You will find it hard to move forward if you keep on entertaining the lies in your head. It will reflect in your actions. And sooner or later, it will also destroy your life. So let God take good care of you. Submit all your worries to Him, and He will change the way you think. He will teach you how to focus on His blessings, and only then will you realize how good He is. And because He opened your eyes, you will also see the light that will guide you all throughout the way. You will always find the courage to face every struggle because all things are possible in His presence.
You will always find a way out as long as you keep your faith. Maybe you wanted to give up because you think that nobody was there to help you. But then, God is giving you what you need. His grace is always sufficient. The best that you can do is learn to trust Him. Yes, it’s not easy to do it, especially when you can’t even see His ways. But that’s what faith is all about. It’s about choosing to abide in the will of God even if you can’t thoroughly understand what’s happening. Your faith will give you eternal rewards, and it’s beyond what your mind can perceive.
Do not lose hope. God loves you, and that means He will be there to help you. Seasons will change, and the problems that you face will never last. You will experience victory in the arms of God. Just believe in Him even if you can’t feel His presence. Keep going, and one day, you will realize that all this time, He is orchestrating your beautiful journey here on earth. Do not rely on your own understanding. If your mind is telling you to give up, then declare to yourself that God will be there to give you the grace that you need.

One Comment
Amen..so powerful🙏