
Who’s inside your heart?

You will know who’s inside your heart if you try to reflect on your thoughts. You will keep on thinking about someone if you’re in love with them. So what’s inside your heart? Is God even there? He says in His word that we need to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. It’s a command for all of His children. If you can’t see God inside your heart, then it’s about time for you to open it so that His love can come in.

Do not worry because His love is perfect. He will never hurt or destroy your life. In fact, it will make you strong and victorious. His love will lead you to experience so many breakthroughs. So come to Him and let Him be your only source of hope. Trust in God more than you trust in other people. Mere humans can never give you perfect and unfailing love. Only God can do that. Check your heart and put God at the center. Let Him be the reason why you wanted to live and keep walking.

Jesus deserves to be in the center. Not just because He is the son of God, but simply because He is the reason why we are forgiven. He offered everything. He sacrificed His life and shed His blood just to give us the chance to spend eternity with Him. He is the reason why you still have the hope to keep moving. His grace sustains us and gives us enough strength. So fix your eyes on Him and stop putting the worldly pleasures of this world as one of your priorities.

Your life here on earth will end. And you can’t take with you all your money and properties, but your relationship with Jesus will take you to a place where there will be no more pain and tears. Give up the things that will hinder you from following Him. Put Him first in your life, and you will receive more than enough blessings. He is the source, so trust in Him and not your own abilities.

Do not settle for a shallow relationship with God. Grow deeper and be more intentional. Go to a quiet place and spend more time with Him. Connect to His heart and talk about the things that are bothering you. Be honest to Him and lift up your hands. Worship God and sing praises to His Name. Enjoy His presence because it’s where you will feel whole and complete. In His arms, you will receive the kind of love that you can never get from mere humans. So stay by His side and do not walk away, especially when you feel so down and weary.

There are still so many things that God wants to teach you. If you only seek Him first before anything else, you will learn life-changing lessons that will bless your life. The Holy Spirit will share with you so many revelations that will change the way you see things. Focus on Him, and you will enjoy your adventures with Him. Remember that it takes effort on your end. You need to lean closer to God and learn from Him.

Put Jesus first, and everything else will follow. He will teach you how to use your talents and skills for the expansion of His Kingdom. And when you seek the Him Kingdom first, all those things shall be added unto you. Live according to His words and be in love with your Savior. You will never be disappointed in His arms. He will let you experience things you never dreamed of. Your love for Him may not be enough to pray for all His sacrifices, but He desires your heart more than anything else. He wants you to know Him more, not just as a Savior and King, but also as a lover and a friend. That’s how personal and intimate Jesus is.