Why is it hard to let go
Self Development

Why is it Hard to Let Go?

There’s this quote that made me realize why, somehow, it’s hard for people to let go of certain things in their lives. It says, “Empty hearts cannot let go.”

This is a very deep revelation for me. Now, I realize why there are times when it seems so hard to let go of the things that are no longer helping me. It’s because all this time, my heart is empty.

Part of me is scared of what might happen next. What if I will no longer receive the same opportunity? What if things will get worst? What if I will feel alone along the way?

My mind is bombarded with questions that I wish I have the courage to face. I am torn between staying or walking away because part of me is wondering about what’s left for me.

Hard to Let Go

In short, my foundation is anchored in temporary things, and because of this, I constantly based my decisions on what I can’t control – people’s reaction or judgement.

At the same time, part of me is also scared that if I will let go, I might not recover. It feels like my hope is founded on things that are not meant to last forever. I can’t manage to surrender because I thought that I will feel empty and lost in the end.

But later on, as I try to process the narratives in my head, I realized that I just need something to fill my heart. Something that is perfect and will never fail. I simply need God’s love.

I need an assurance that even though I choose to walk away, God will be there for me. I need His love to remind me that I am not alone in this journey. And that even if I feel like I already lost everything, His goodness and grace will still remain.

It’s hard to let go because I don’t think someone will stay to help me. But slowly, I learned that I shouldn’t be afraid. My God will stay with me. He will hold my hands. My God will be there to wipe away my tears. He will strengthen me all throughout the journey.

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