
Will you still believe in God even if you can’t Hear the Answers to your Questions?

Faith begins the moment you choose to stay with Him, even if you can’t understand what’s happening. It is not about knowing all the answers, but it’s all about believing in God’s promises, even if you can’t see them yet. So if you can’t hear the voice of God in this season, then maybe what He wants you to do is simply trust Him. If you can’t feel His presence, then maybe this is the perfect time for you to exercise your faith. Trust Him even in moments when you are in pain. Your negative feelings can never invalidate God’s existence. Just because you are not okay doesn’t mean God is not present. Just because you can’t figure out what to do doesn’t mean God already forsake you. Continue to talk to Him. Pray and connect to His heart. Stay with Him despite what you feel.

What if God didn’t give you the answers for a purpose? What if He just wants you to wait and build your faith along the process? If you only stop doubting Him, you will realize that He is doing miracles behind the scenes. God is working even in moments when you are bombarded by worries and fears. He stays faithful to you even when you can’t feel His presence. So stay still in His arms, and let His promises give you the courage to take a step outside your comfort zone. Receive His grace, and you will find peace even in the midst of chaos. Honor His sovereignty in your life, and He will move.

Learn to walk with Him even if you can’t always see what He is doing. Your faith will never grow if God won’t allow you to go through the wilderness. You will never really know how much you love Him if you don’t experience hardships. Because in those moments, you will discover the things that you truly value in life. In times when you are so down, you will realize what you truly need. Trials and unexpected twists are like fresh water that will open your eyes to the real status of your heart and mind. And when you discover what’s going on inside, that’s when you will know where to start. When you learn to accept the impurities in your life, that’s when you will figure out the next step that you can take to change your life.

Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul, especially when you go through difficult moments. Don’t just stay close to Him when things are going well. Continue to praise and glorify His name even when your heart is breaking. The more you honor Him in the midst of the storms, the more you will receive the fullness of His blessings. When you choose to keep your faith, that’s when you will find reasons to keep going. Loving God is not always easy, but it’s going to be worth it in the end.