Will you still keep your Faith even if you feel like God is Silent?
There are days when you just can’t feel the hands of God. It’s like you are in the wilderness. You feel so empty and lost. It’s when you think that you are just on your own. No one is there to help you. Hope is nowhere to be found. And you feel like you are drowning in pain. But the question is, will you still keep your faith even if you can’t hear His voice? Will you still continue to believe in His promises even if you can’t feel His love? Will you still be faithful to Him, even if it seems like He is so silent? These are the thoughts that you need to ponder. After all, faith is nothing if we already know what’s ahead and if we already understand everything.
The unexpected days of your life may challenge your faith, but they will lead you closer to God. You may feel like you are surrounded by so many distractions and obstacles, but if you choose to depend on His power, you will experience more of His miracles. Your situation may not be that easy, but you always have a choice. You can choose to depend on your own understanding, or you can trust God instead. There are days when you just can’t feel His presence, but all you need to do is to keep believing in His goodness.
Following God takes a commitment. Just like any other relationship, you will fail to know Him if you are not intentional. You need to spend more time with Him so that you will know how to deal with the things that are happening around you. It takes a faithful heart to stay in His presence. You need to be dedicated enough to serve Him despite the hardships you face. You can’t build your trust if you don’t know who He is. You will only have the courage to walk with Him if you have faith. And it will only grow the moment you desire for more of Him.
Holding on to His promises may not be that easy, but it’s one of the most rewarding things that you can do here on earth. You may not instantly see the outcome of the things that you believe in, but in God’s perfect timing, everything will be in the right place. You will receive what He prepared for you. And your faith in Him will never be the same. One day, you will see yourself the way God sees you. And you will thank Him for all those moments when you can’t feel His presence. Because in those times, you learned to hold on to His great love.

Nathaniel Myles
Yes Yes Amen! Will Never Lose FAITH In GOD!!💖💖💖