Will You Still Trust God Despite The Pain?
Our journey here on earth will not always be smooth and fun. Sometimes, we will experience horrible situations that will test our faith. But the question is, will you choose God over your fears? Will you still believe in Him even if you feel so broken? Will you trust Him despite the pain? We need to face the truth that life will never be perfect, and despite all the imperfection and the uncertainties, we know that God will continue to love us. And we always have the choice to stay with Him or not.
Pain is inevitable, and it’s part of life. We will never know when it will happen, but we just need to be committed enough to God. So that even if we are hurting, we will still have the courage to believe in His power. It may be challenging for us to stay faithful because maybe we are so occupied with our emotions. And we are tempted to give up because we think that we can’t take it anymore. But we need to remember that God has better plans for all of us. We just have to stay with Him so that we will always be guided.
We don’t have to know the reason why. We don’t have to understand everything. Stop overthinking. There are really moments in life when God doesn’t reveal to us the reasons that we’ve been looking for. But all we have to do is just to trust Him. That’s what faith is all about. It’s choosing to believe that God is doing something great behind the scene. Maybe God doesn’t reveal to us the reason because He wants to teach us how to rely on Him. He has no intention to harm you. In fact, God wants the best for you. The pain you feel inside will end, and He will redeem you.
Staying with God despite all the hardships and problems will prepare you for greater blessings. Maybe He is just molding you right now, and He is working on something that you can’t see yet. But one day, you will realize that all the pain you experienced is all worth it. Just hold on to His promises. He will never leave you right now. He will continue to do good things in your life. I hope one day, you will not just see the bad things that are happening around you, but you will also learn to focus on the blessings that He already provided for you all this time.

One Comment
Lilian Virtudes Flores
Though i had experience too many downtimes and hardships in life, i never lost my trust in our God. He is the only one i put all my trust, all my life i never have any doubt about Him, i know in time i can work and serve Him, and i would be happy to receive whatever blessings He had stored for me. I would be gladly to be His instrument to reach those people who still needs to be touch by His divine power and protection. Thank You dear Lord for all your blessings and caring to me and my family. Forgive me for all my shortcomings and make me more worthy of Your love and protection. Amen!