Self Development

Wisdom Starts when you Respect and obey God

God’s wisdom is something that you can’t easily comprehend, but it starts when you respect and obey Him. Some would think that you will know more about wisdom when you study and read the scriptures. Yes, you can do it. But it starts to manifest in your life when you acknowledge its source and apply His words. You will learn to appreciate what it truly means when you grow closer to God and know Him more.

It’s not something that is freely given to you. God’s wisdom flows on people who know what respecting and obeying Him truly means. It’s not just about going to church or doing religious activities, but it’s more than that. It’s deeper and wider than you think. You can fully embrace it the moment you walk closer to God’s heart and abide in His will. It’s not an easy journey, and it takes a long process, but He will always be there for you.

First, choose to respect God. You may not physically see Him but acknowledge His presence in your life. Imagine that He is watching every little thing that you do. Even though people don’t notice some of your actions. But God sees everything, including your heart and your thoughts. He is listening to the silent voices in your mind. When you are aware of His presence, then you will slowly learn to do things that will not displease Him. Remember that you are His child. You are His representative in this world. So choose to respect Him by acknowledging His presence wherever you go and treating the people around you as part of His creations. In such a way, you will know how to properly deal with them and love them just like God did. When you respect God, it means that you choose to do the right things in His eyes, and that’s where you will discover His wisdom. Pleasing Him will lead you to do the things that will help you grow and prosper.

Second, obey His commands. This may not be an easy thing to do, especially when you are too scared about what might happen next, but you need to remember that God will not ask you to do something that will harm or destroy you in the end. His instructions may be sometimes difficult and challenging, but the moment you choose what is right in His eyes, you will not just see yourself transformed, but you will also gain wisdom that will guide you through the path that He prepared.

Your obedient heart will open so many opportunities that will change your life for the better. Not only that, but you will also gain a heavenly perspective about the situation you are going through. The lenses of your eyes will be changed, and you will look at things the way God sees them. You may not instantly see the fruits of your obedience to God, but when the time is right, you will discover the changes in your life. And you will experience His wisdom in ways you can never imagine. Wait and see, you will realize that all the sacrifices and efforts you made for Him are all worth it. Because of them, you discover new things that bless your life and the people around you.

The wisdom of God is greater than the riches of this world. King Solomon, Himself asked God to give Him enough wisdom on how to manage His people, and because He prayed for the important things, then God was so pleased with Him. He became the wisest King in His time. That’s how God treasures those people who seek His wisdom and not the temporary riches of this world. So if you want to discover the hidden truths of Heaven, then pray that God will give you the wisdom you need. Focus on growing and developing yourself. Stop gaining riches that you can’t take to eternity. Choose to receive God’s knowledge and understanding so that you can properly steward the blessings around you. And you can do that if you start respecting and obeying God.