Work on things that Brings Glory to God
You may not always understand why God would ask you to do certain things that are too difficult and challenging but keep following His voice. Do what brings glory to His name, and you will realize that everything that He asks you to do is for your own good. One day, when you look back, you will see the hands of God molding you into a person you never expect to be. The situations that He allowed you to experience gave you a chance to grow from the inside out. The pain leads you to build foundations that are strong enough to sustain you, especially when you encounter storms. The wounds taught you how to stay humble and kind. You see, doing the right thing in the eyes of God will not only glorify His name, but it will also lead you to live this life to the fullest.
Ask yourself if what you are doing right now brings glory to your Father in Heaven. If you just do things out of your own will and desire, the time will come when you get tired and exhausted. And if you happen to reach your goals, you will realize that the success you long to experience can never quench the thirst you have inside. God alone can satisfy the deepest longing in your heart simply because He is the One who created you. He holds the answer. When you learn to connect and love Him, that’s when you will also be compelled to do what honors His name. His faithfulness will push you to give your best. His grace will give you the courage to keep growing so that you can glorify His name.
Everything that you offer in the presence of God will never be in vain. He will multiply what you faithfully planted for the expansion of His Kingdom. You may not see any changes for now but don’t worry, God will take good care of the seeds, and they will soon bear fruit. When the time is right, you will reap the harvest. The seeds you sow in tears and sweat will soon bless God’s name. So when you feel disappointed because you can’t see any changes yet, just be patient. Trust that God is moving in the midst. Just hold His hands, and He will help you along the journey. Keep your faith, and you will receive more than enough strength.
Allow God’s light to shine in your life. You can do it by doing the things that will expand His Kingdom. Choose to live in love. No matter how broken this world can be, God still wants you to stay kind, especially to those people who are hurting. Work for His honor. You may have your own goals, especially in your career but offer your desires to God. Ask Him what He wants, and He will plant seeds in your heart that will lead you to the path that He created. He will always guide you. Just listen to His words and choose to love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul.