
Worries Exist When Fear Becomes Greater Than Faith

Try to check your thoughts. If you can’t help but worry about your situation, then it’s time for you to have faith. The uncertainties of life make you feel so anxious because you choose to entertain your fears inside. Increase your faith, and remember that God will take good care of you. He knows what you need, to put your trust in Him, and stop listening to the negative thoughts in your mind. Grow in the presence of God, and your faith in Him will never be the same again. Read His word, connect to Him every day and never forget His great love for you. Keep His promises in your heart and when you feel worried about your situation, declare His blessings in your life.

Worrying can never add a single hour to your life. The things that you feel scared about never happened yet. You are just wasting your energy because you tried to deal with problems that never really exist. Stop overthinking. Do not rely on your own thoughts because it is shaped according to what you experienced. Listen to God, for He knows the best thing that you can do. Put your hope in Him, and He will never fail you. If you just focus on what you have right now, you will realize that God already provided what you need. He gave you your daily bread. If He was able to sustain you today, then He will surely take good care of you in the future days to come.

Submit all your fears to God. Share to Him all your worries. Know that He understands you. He will listen to the cries of your heart. Release the negative thoughts you have inside and acknowledge His love in your life. Pray that He will renew your mind so that you will learn to focus on building His kingdom. Connect to Him every day and continue to walk in His presence. You will learn how to deal with your fears the moment you start to accept what you truly feel. And after that, God will teach you how to deeply trust in Him.

Faith will sustain you until the end of time. It will serve as your core foundation. The uncertainties of this world can never shake you as long as you choose to grow in the presence of God. Faith will give you the freedom to do the things you never did before. It will give you access to your breakthroughs. Choose faith over your fears, and how you live here on earth will be totally different.


  • Rupen Tamang

    I need prayer support my health is not good. I was suffering from fever since yesterday night but now the fever is gone but my chest is paining. It feels like something has stuck in my chest. I need your prayer help please.

  • Sarrah Jean manantan

    Super love the messages, haayyy kaylan Kaya ako matututo. At Sana mapa increase ko pa ang faith ko 🙏☝️