Worship won’t always Solve the Problem, but it gives you so much Peace and Courage
You can never control the circumstances that you will experience. You never really know what lies ahead. Sometimes, life will throw challenges that are too heavy to carry. But you need to remember that God will always give you remedy. His grace is always accessible, and most of the time, you will be more sensitive to His moving the moment you raise your hands in worship. Sing praises to His name and surrender all your worries and cares. Lift up His name despite the pain that you are carrying. You may not always receive the solution to your problems, but rest assured that God will give you the peace and the courage you need to victoriously overcome the battle that you are in. He will sustain you with His blessings. And when your mind and heart are at peace, you will then be able to see the resources that God provided you all along.
Worship God even if you are having a hard time. Connect to His heart and kneel in His presence. Allow His love to wash away your fears and pain. When you choose to honor His name, you will be reminded of His great power. Don’t be overwhelmed by your problems. You may think that there’s no hope left, but when you glorify His name, your eyes will be opened. He will let you see the things that He is doing behind the scenes. He will remind you of His promises. He will empower you to keep moving. He will shift your focus and teach you to put His kingdom first. The difficulties may appear so real, but God’s hope will always be there.
Remind your soul that you need God’s grace. Do not depend on your own understanding. Do not be too occupied by what the enemy is saying. Don’t just easily give up. Turn your eyes to Jesus, and He will teach you how to overcome that season. Remind yourself that God is holy, great, and mighty. He is the creator of this world. He knows what you need. He is in charge. He loves you so much. Raise your hands and open your heart; only then will you be able to appreciate what God is doing. Cry out to Him. Release all your worries and cares, and know that God is listening to you. He is thinking about you. He will be there to help you.
When you praise God in the storms, you choose to listen to Him despite all the noise you hear. You intentionally keep His word in your heart despite the lies in your head. Worshipping Him means you allow God’s peace and love to reign. You are simply telling the negative circumstances that you are facing that your God is so much bigger. You choose to magnify His power and let go of the things you can’t control. You worship God because you know that in Him, there is always victory.