
Wounded Person

A wounded person
Will find it hard
To focus on blessings
And the favor of God

They find tough
To see good in things
Because they are in pain
Wounds are still open

That person finds love
Hard to flow within
Protect and all themselves
They avoid heartache

But deep inside
They long for healing
They wanted to receive love
They are crying out for help

If you feel the same
Please remember that
You are not alone
Because God sees your pain

He wants to help you
Just call upon His name
Never stop talking to Him
He will be there to guide you

He will give you strength
He will always be there
He will sustain you
All throughout the journey

Surrender all the pain
Acknowledge the truth
That you can’t heal yourself
You need the love of God

You need His embrace
He can heal your wounds
As long as you are willing
To go through the process

You will soon realize
The journey is worth it
The pain that you feel
Will encounter you His unexplainable love