Yes! People Commit Sin, But That Doesn’t Qualify You To Judge Them
The content of every news may disappoint you somehow because you think that people are so bad to the point that they can easily hurt or destroy other people’s lives. Their sins may appear to be so unforgivable compared to what you have done, but remember that all sins are equal in the eyes of God. Never forget that the terrible and harsh mistake of others doesn’t qualify you to judge them. Because at the end of the day, we are not perfect, we all commit mistakes, and God alone has the right to judge other people. He extends His grace even to those who committed terrible sins in life, even God who is perfect and Holy managed to accept us. Then, who are we to judge other people without even knowing the status of their heart?
You may think that you know the whole story. That’s why you tend to conclude negative things about others. But the truth is, only God knows the whole truth. Instead of relying on your own understanding, acknowledge the fact that you don’t know all things. Let God move and surrender the things that are already out of your control. Never forget the first time God accepted you in His arms. Remember that you are one of those people who also committed mistakes, but the grace of God chose to accept you for who you are. He loved you at your worst, and He cleansed you through His precious blood. So please, take some time to ponder about the goodness of God, and let it sink in inside your heart so that you will be able to love others just like how God loves you.
Stop being too harsh to those who commit mistakes in life. Remember how God treated you. He never condemned you. He never said harsh words to you. Instead, He remained patient and understanding because He never wants you to perish. So right now, please don’t hurt or judge others just because they committed a different sin. Let God change your perspective in life. Sometimes, you see things differently. That’s why you can easily put conclusions to the things happening around you. But the moment you allow God to teach you about His love, you will slowly find it so hard to judge others.
Let the love of God overflow in your life. Focus on His love and not on the hatred and bitterness you feel inside. Surrender all your negative emotions and let God replace them with His love. He will teach you how to be compassionate to others, and He will always let you see things differently. May you learn to honor God in everything that you do. And may the works of your hands and words in your mouth reflect the grace and mercy of God.