You are a Living Message to Somebody’s Wounded Heart
The struggles that you experience will never be wasted. If you are able to victoriously overcome them, then it will serve as a living message to someone who is deeply wounded. That’s why, keep going and let God heal the wounds in your heart. Surrender to Him all your worries and pain. Do not carry all of them on your own. Acknowledge the truth that you need God in your life. And He will teach you to follow His principles.
Seek His instruction by reading your bible, and only then will you receive the light that you’ve been looking for. Do not give up because you never know how your story will end. There is still hope as long as you set your eyes on God. He will guide you to the right path. He will lead you back on track. One day, you will realize the lessons behind your pain, and those who look at your life from afar will be truly blessed. You are surrounded by so many people, and you may not notice this, but they are observing your actions and the way you deal with your problems. Keep doing the right thing, and know that your life is a wonderful blessing.
Follow God, and your sacrifices for Him will never be in vain. He is working in the spiritual realm. Do what’s right in His eyes even if you can’t fully understand His ways. Keep your faith and be genuine in everything that you do. Remember that you are God’s ambassador, so let your actions reflect His love and goodness, and only then people will notice something unique in your life. They will feel the Holy Spirit through you, and they will slowly encounter God. Offer the works of your hands and the words of your mouth for His glory. In everything that you do, know that He is not just watching you, but He is also speaking to somebody’s heart through your deeds and works.
Someone is observing you. Maybe you think that nobody cares for you, but the truth is, you are surrounded by people who are silently rooting for you. They may not express the things that they saw in you, but deep inside, they are observing the way you handle your problems and how you manage your pain. They are learning from your words and behavior. They are looking for some hope in your life. So be a bearer of God’s light. Carry His love everywhere you go. Be kind to others because you never know the things that they are struggling with. Share the love inside your heart, and let your faith be greater than your fears. And you will not only receive God’s favor, but He will also use you as His vessel.
You are God’s blessing, especially to someone who is in pain. You may not notice this, and people may not share this with you, but some of them are treating you as a powerful reminder of God’s hope and love. So continue your journey with God. Keep walking with Him even in moments when you are struggling. Let other people see the faith in your heart, and in such a way, you are already sharing with them who God is in your life. Your actions are more powerful than your words. Keep going because God will send wounded people in your life, and through your ways, they will be reminded to keep their faith despite what they feel.