Self Development

You Are Allowed To Cry And Feel Sad

If you feel so lonely and sad, then please do not hide it inside. You are human, and it’s part of life. Acknowledge what you truly feel, and do not ignore it. You may find it hard to carry all the pain, but always remember that you are not alone in this journey. God is with you, and He will never leave you behind. When you learn to accept the truth that your emotions are part of who you are as a person, you will stop being too hard on yourself. You will realize that the best thing that you can do is not to blame or condemn yourself but to accept that everything happens for a reason. You will get through this season. But until then, please take your time and let God journey with you through the healing process.

Do not push yourself too much. Be patient. The healing process will not happen in an instant. It takes time, so learn how to wait. Choose to love yourself and acknowledge the truth that you need some time to process everything. Let God help you. If you keep hiding what you truly feel, it will slowly destroy your heart deep within. Allow God to come in, and He will heal the wounds inside so that you will have enough courage to keep on walking.

Do not be afraid to cry. It’s not a sign of weakness, but it only shows your strength deep within. People may say that crying is only for those who are weak, but the truth is, when you release everything, it simply means that you are giving yourself the chance to experience freedom. And it takes so much courage to take the next step. The pain is there, and you will also feel scared deep within. But despite the things that are going on inside, you still manage to get up and fight for life. That simple act alone testifies that you can make it through. And when you learn to let go, that’s the moment when you can finally take small steps to the future that God prepared for you.

Your loving Father will always be there to comfort you. It may be hard to comprehend everything, and you may not see the ways of God, but He will embrace you with His love. Remember His promises so that you will gain strength. He will give you rest. And He will teach you how to handle your emotions properly. You are allowed to cry and feel sad, but let God reveal to you the perfect thing to do so that your emotions will no longer control your decisions in life.

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