You are always protected by God’s Promises
Sometimes you will have to go through storms. There will be moments in your life that just happen and leave you dumbfounded and clueless about what is going on and what you are supposed to do. It is fine to think of plans, but it becomes more complicated once things don’t happen as you pictured them. Just know that God sees you and understands what you feel. He is not holding back good things in your life. He is just building your endurance and strengthening your faith. He knows the desires of your heart and the dreams that you have. He listens to your prayers and knows how you long for things to happen in your life. However, sometimes, He does not answer you. He will not give and tell you everything yet because there are things that you have to go through first.
Know that you are constantly surrounded by His promises. Some things will make their way to happen in your life even though you don’t invite them in the first place. That is because anything is possible. Everything could happen, no matter how perfect and well done the plan is. You may sometimes feel like resisting and ignoring it at first. But once you set foot on it, you are already a part of it. So, face what is in front of you. Remember that when you feel weak, that only means that you are capable of being strong and courageous. That empty space of longing within you will be answered. Just hang on and keep on to the path God prepared for you.
God hears you so well. He even hears what your heart is crying for, even if you don’t tell Him. But know that He does not answer you the way you want Him to. He has His ways too different from yours. He knows more about you than anyone else. He knows what is ahead and the things that are yet to unfold. It may not always appear well enough, but soon you will understand. He will also surprise you in the most unexpected way possible. But let your heart be strengthened with His promises. It may not be easy to hold on, but now it is possible. So, don’t doubt His ways but believe He will make things happen in His perfect time.
Always remember that you are constantly surrounded by His promises. He is with you all the time. Storms may come in your life but know that soon they will pass, and He will lead you to the place He promised. So hold on to what He promised you, and have a teachable heart along the way. You may feel like losing at first but know that He only removes things in your life that you no longer need. Instead, God will secure you with something better.