Self Development

You are more than the Accomplishment that you Achieved in Life

Never treat your accomplishments as part of your identity because those things are just temporary. The riches that you gain, the honor and respect that you receive from others, the knowledge and skills that you have – all of those things will never last forever. They may temporarily fill the spaces in your heart, but they will never sustain you until the end. You need to anchor yourself in the right foundation. Rely on things that will lead you to eternity. Value the most important treasures in the eyes of God. You may think that God is after your accomplishments, but the truth is, He is already proud of you even before you achieve anything. You don’t have to please Him through the works of your hands because what pleases Him the most is your faith in Him.

The world will honor you through your accomplishments, but God sees things differently. In His eyes, He values your faith more than anything else. So let your character lead you to build the kind of faith that will help you stand stronger in the middle of trials and pain. Don’t focus too much on what people want from you. Seek God’s approval. Others can easily let you down and break your heart, but God will be there to lift you up and guide you to the place that He prepared. So please Him, and stop focusing on what other people are saying. The standards of this world are fleeting, but God’s standards will lead you to everlasting life. 

Remember that you are a child of God and that truth alone is always better than the earthly achievements that you have. People will look at your earthly status so that they can prove your value, but in the arms of God, you are already rich and priceless, not because of the things that you did, but because of what Jesus did on the cross to save you. He offered His precious life just to give you a chance to experience eternity. He went through suffering so that you will be with Him. You are God’s sheep. That’s who you truly are.

God treats you as worthy despite the things that you committed. He loves you even when you forget His goodness. He is faithful to you even if you blame Him for things He didn’t do. You are His precious treasure. And that is always better than the riches that you can gain here on earth. In His presence, you don’t have to prove yourself. Simply because His love for you already exists even before you realize all His sacrifice. That’s one of the greatest blessings you can receive. You are surrounded by His sufficient grace. That’s how valuable you are in the eyes of God.