
You are Not a Failure

Please don’t base your identity
according to your past mistakes
God created you to be unique
The wrong choices that you made before
can never define who you are

You are more than your mistakes in life
Please don’t be too hard with yourself
You are worthy of love
God doesn’t look at your failures
He sees what’s in your heart
And He will heal you someday

Trust in His ways
Don’t focus on the negative things in your life
Set your eyes on the goodness of God
And you will find rest in His arms

Accept that we are not perfect
And we need His love
So that we will be able to love others
And more importantly
We will be able to love ourselves

God doesn’t want to condemn you
Stop blaming yourself
There is still hope for you
So keep your faith

Learn the lesson from your mistakes
Repent and change your perspective
Ask forgiveness and then after that
Learn to set yourself free from bondages

You can choose to dwell in your mistakes
or to move on in life
Don’t be afraid
God will be guiding you along the way

Allow God to reign in your life
And you will learn how to deal with this life
You are not alone
God will never abandon you
And He accepts you for who you are

One Comment

  • Janet Soans

    I just needed this. At times, life feels so hopeless and meaningless. Still trying to find the purpose of life. Why does God let bad things happen to people who are loyal to Him. Feeling lonely n lost.