You Are Not A Trash, You Are A Precious Treasure In The Eyes Of God
The way you treat yourself matters on how valuable you think you are. Sometimes, you tend to label yourself as someone who is worthless because you believe that you have no purpose here on earth. But don’t you know that in the eyes of God, you are His precious treasure? He never created you to be trash. You are His child, and you are very important.
You may not see it now because you just focus on the situation and the struggles you face. But the moment you realize how valuable you are in God’s eyes, you will know that you still have a lot to do. You need to believe in yourself that God created you for a purpose because unless you do that, you will always think that your existence here on earth means nothing. The negative thoughts will consume you, and you will find it hard to value the blessings that God poured out for you.
God loves you so much. That’ why you also need to learn how to love yourself. Maybe, for now, it’s hard for you to do it because all you see are the negative things you have inside. But the moment you will accept the truth that God loves you no matter what happens, then you will also have the willingness to love yourself. God will teach you how to do it. He will make you feel like you are a treasure. His love will change your heart and the way you look at things.
You have your own gifts and talents. Deep inside you, God planted a hidden treasure that only you can discover. That’s why you need to stop comparing yourself with others. Look inside your heart, and you will discover the blessings that God gave you all this time. You failed to notice it because you never believe that God created you for something great. But the truth is, God knows your potential, and He will help you discover all of it. So do not focus on the things that others can do. Instead, listen to your heart and try to do the things that excite you the most.
Do not give up. God is not done with you yet. He will still use your life to glorify His name. So never underestimate yourself because God sees a different version of you. One day, when you learn to use all the gifts and talents that you have, you will realize that you are truly a treasure from God.

One Comment
Juliet Punzalan
Thanks be to God. God bless you all and each if your family behind this Pursued.