
You are Serving a Powerful God

Don’t quit yet. I know that you are tired and you feel so exhausted because of the things that are going on in your life. You felt alone and bombarded by so many negative thoughts in your head. You think that nobody cares, and you want to give up. You may not feel God’s presence in your season right now, but please don’t forget that everything that you do for His glory will never be in vain. You are serving a powerful and great God. It means that help is on the way. Wait for His hands to move, and be patient. You can take a rest and embrace His peace while waiting. Just don’t treat this moment as the end. If God still gave you a chance to breathe fresh air and experience another day, then it means that His plans are still working in your life.

Don’t underestimate God. Widen your perspective. Sometimes, you can’t help but put Him inside a box. The situation around you will lead you to think that He is not moving. Just because you experience unexpected circumstances doesn’t mean He no longer cares for you. Just because you received devastating news doesn’t mean God is not working. He is there. You may not see Him, but He is making way for you. His power is moving. The Holy Spirit is doing His part. So trust Him. Don’t rely on your own understanding. Instead, ask for His wisdom. Only then will you slowly realize that God never leaves your side.

Offer the works of your hands in His presence. Treat Him as your master. Do everything for God and not just for the people around you. Before you serve others, imagine that you are doing it for God first. Don’t worry. He never wastes all your efforts. If you happen to experience so many problems because of the things that He asked you to do, then know that He will provide. God will never give you a task without preparing you first. Trust that God has already presented you all the resources that you need. Just stay faithful in His presence and remind yourself to keep walking on the journey that He orchestrated. It will make sense one day. Keep following His will, and He will be there to sustain you.

Focus on how powerful God is in your life. Recall the miracles that He performed in the past. Declare to yourself that God is great and He is bigger than the storms that you are facing. When you feel weak, just ask for God’s strength. When you are too exhausted, just focus on His promises. When you are so disappointed because things aren’t happening the way you expect them to, just rest in the assurance that God is in charge. You are not alone in this journey. You have a supporter. He is always with you.