You are Surrounded by People who have Different Perspectives
Not everyone loves to do what they want. Just because you badly wanted to achieve something doesn’t mean other people also want to do the same thing. Just because you prayed for something big doesn’t mean the person in front of you also has the same exact prayers. If you keep on labeling other people according to your perspective, you will tend to put them inside a box. You will limit their potential and how far they can go. You won’t be able to appreciate the journey that God wants them to take because you are trying to impose your own standards on them. This is the reason why you really need to evaluate your opinion first. Be careful with your words because you might unknowingly judge them according to your own understanding.
Open your mind and acknowledge the wisdom that God wants you to receive. Allow Him to speak, and He will teach you how to accept other people’s differences. Align your thoughts to His thoughts so that you will be guided. If what’s on the inside is not right, then it will reflect on your words and actions. If you are not mindful of your thoughts, then you will unknowingly release painful words to others that will break their hearts. You will try to project the things that you want in their lives, thinking that it’s what’s best for them, but the truth is, what you are telling them is just part of your expectations. You try to make them like you. This is the reason why you badly need to pause and check your motives.
Stop reflecting yourself to others. Be more open and learn from the people around you. Surround yourself with the right people so that you will be influenced to do the right thing. Sometimes, you spend most of your time in the wrong environment. That’s why you have mindsets that no longer align with the ways of God. Be mindful of the things that are going on in your life because they will potentially affect you in the long run. Consult God and ask Him about the right thing to do. He will teach you how to accept others the way He loved and accepted you.
Respect everybody’s uniqueness. Listen before you speak, and only then will you discover their mindsets. When you put others first above your own intentions, you will also learn to love them as who they are and not as who you want them to be. When you give them a chance to share their stories, that’s when you will also learn about their perspective and how you can help them. Just don’t put any conclusions in your head as if what’s inside is always the right thing because you never really know the truth not until you seek them. You never really know what’s in someone’s mind not until you ask them.