
You are the bearer of blessings

You bear God’s blessings
You may not see it
But there’s a precious treasure
That lives inside you

You are meant to share it
God gave you talents and gifts
That will bless so many people
That will help those in need

He gave you unique abilities
That will lift up somebody’s soul
So let the light inside you
Shine throughout the darkest places

You are a child of God
You are more than you are now
Do not focus on your weaknesses
Instead, rely on God’s strength

Listen to His voice
He will lead you to that place
Where He prepared for you
Because you are important

Your Heavenly Father
Created you for a purpose
Come to His presence
And He will reveal your reasons

You are not meant
To live in the darkness
So do not hide from people
Who needs your help

You are God’s vessel of love
You are His beloved
Look at wonderful things
Make use of what He gave

Stretch out your wings
Fly and be free
Give away the blessing
You are meant to share them