You are Writing Your own Story with God
One greatest gift God has given us is our power to choose. Although not all of us are aware of that. We would perceive that life has its own course and all that we have to do is go with the flow. We would sometimes utter “come what may” and let things unfold themselves. Yes, life has that nature. However, we have the power to choose what to do in different situations. Our response are up to us. We are authorized on how and what to do in certain conditions.
We cannot control most events in our life and would sometimes put other people to blame when things go wrong. But remember that blaming others would only worsen the problem. Just focus on the things that need to be done. It is normal to get disappointed and angry. But don’t let emotions dictate your actions. Let us not forget why things happen and try to figure out their purpose rather than running away from them. Let us set our eyes on the solutions and ask God for wisdom. Fueling our problems would not change anything. Life has its own way of doing things, which is the same in your case. You have control over your response.
Now, you are not who you used to be. You were learning and growing over time. Your dark past does not define who you are today. But those things you badly want to forget helped you become a robust version of yourself. Not everything in your past is wrong. And it has no power over you. Some of them are ways for you to grow. Accept them as part of who you become. Forgive yourself and those people that hurt you. It might take days and even years to fully get healed from it, but it is never too late to start now. Forgiving others is also freeing yourself from the heaviness and pain. Remember, you are not doing it for them, but for yourself also.
God is writing your story. But He also gives you the authority on what way it will be written. You move and can think of things. You would sometimes find yourself in doubt because of the fear of the unexpected turn of events. But remember that it doesn’t only happen to you. It happens to all of us. We don’t have control over it, but we have control over ourselves. That is why do not let this world define your existence. You exist for Him and not for this world. Claim the things God set upon you and let them be the pedestal of your life.