You can always ask God for the Grace to Endure
Are you going through a difficult season right now? If you think that you no longer have the strength to get up and face another day, then never forget that you can always ask God for the grace to endure. You can’t make it on your own. You need His power, and in Him, you will find the courage to take another step, even in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening. Sometimes, challenges in life are hard to comprehend. But keep walking. Rely on His grace, and He will never fail you. Pray and do not stop talking to Him. You may not feel His presence, but He is always listening to you. He is there watching over you.
You can always ask for help. Call upon God and depend on Him. There are moments when you feel so weak and hopeless, but you don’t have to fight the battle alone. You can ask for God’s provision. He will send help, and He will give you what you need. So keep on connecting to Him. He is not deaf or blind. God knows your heart. He knows the pain that you feel inside. And He will never condemn or blame you for everything you’ve been through. He will be there to sustain you, so acknowledge the truth that you can’t live this life on your own.
Let God be your only source of strength. Do rely on the people around you. Remember that they are not perfect. They can do something that will break your heart. So instead of trusting those people, choose to focus on God and let Him give you the courage you need. Sometimes, we tend to depend on our strength, thinking that we can make it. But then, there are important things in life that we never really know. We need God’s guidance and His great power to sustain us.
Don’t worry because His grace is always sufficient. It will never run dry. It’s a gift that you can receive every time you ask for it. So let God be the reason why you are still standing in the most difficult moments of your life. Receive His love, and you will endure every hardship that you face. Let Him be the God of your life and acknowledge His power. Only then will you experience the kind of life that’s worth all the pain.

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Joel Allen
I follow all videos and readings on Facebook and I am truly at a moment in my life that I need someone to talk to. I have seen blessings/miracles from God in my most difficult time in my life but now I need him the most.
I’ve found wisdom and strength praying out to God since this year started but I still have moments like I can’t do it on my own.
I love God because he’s all I have to keep me focus and filled with plenty positive emotions seeing I come from a family full of negativity
Thank you God for holding me together