
You can always Change the way you Deal with your Situation

There are times when you think that there’s nothing that you can do about your situation. You tend to accept the burdens that you are carrying, thinking that it’s meant for you. But the truth is, sometimes you can still do something new. It’s just you never considered other options because it takes so many risks and greater faith. You immediately ignore the other things that you can do because you think that it’s impossible. You unknowingly accept your condition without even trying to make any changes. You see, God gave you the freedom to choose. You can make decisions that will ultimately change your life. You are not just a robot who needs to always follow what the situation or the people requires you to do. You have the ability to manage and control yourself. You can change the way you see things and, from there, start making better choices.

Ask for God’s wisdom. You are not always meant to carry heavy burdens in life. Yes, problems are there, but the same problems are not meant to stay with you for a lifetime. You need to pass the exam. Sometimes, you keep on facing the same situation because you didn’t make any changes in the first place. Maybe you didn’t take note of the lessons that you need to learn. That’s why the same problems keep on happening. Choose to pray and ask God for His guidance. Allow Him to change the way you see your life. There is still hope. There’s a solution to your problems.

Try to look at your situation through a different lens. What if you need to step outside and just observe the way you handle things? Reassess your mindset and the way you deal with the storms that you face. Reflect on the lessons that you learned and apply them. Maybe there’s something wrong with the way you look at your problems. Try to seek sensible pieces of advice and ask for help. There are people who are already walking ahead of you. Know that you can reach out to them. Listen to their experiences and how they cope with things. Take note of the precious lessons that they learned. Pray that God will lead you to the right environment where you will be influenced to look at things the way God sees them.

You are God’s child. Believe it or not, He already equipped you with the things that you need. You just have to activate your faith. You need to believe with all your heart that God called you for something great. And you will never receive the blessings that He prepared if you keep on facing the same problem all over again. One way for you to determine that you are growing is when you already face different sets of problems. Choose to deal with what you need to change. Face them, and they will no longer hunt you.