You Can Always Hide In The Arms Of God
There are days in your life when you just can’t understand everything that’s happening deep within. You experience heartaches in unexpected moments. The problems that you are facing are just so difficult for you to handle. You wanted to disappear and end everything. So if you can’t take it anymore, just remember that you can always hide in the arms of God. Let Him comfort you in this season. God loves you so much, and He will always do great things in your life.
You can find rest in the arms of God. He will hug you and give you peace. You don’t have to fight the battle on your own. Lean on God’s shoulders, and He will be the one who will fight for you. If you are so tired and weary, never forget that God’s grace will always be there to sustain you. You can pause for a while and give yourself the chance to rest and recover. Let God heal all the pain that you feel inside. Let Him take away the fears in your heart. Your heavenly Father knows how to make you feel at ease. He can silence your doubts with His love.
God will protect you. You don’t have to be afraid of the things that might happen in your life because you are always safe in His arms. You may experience pain and brokenness but know that God will never abandon you in this challenging season of your life. The Holy Spirit will always be there to give you wisdom and knowledge so that you will know what to do. Our God is powerful enough, and in Him, you will always feel secured. Let Him be the ultimate source of your hope, and no one can ever destroy your life.
When you feel so helpless inside, just remember that God will always be there to pick you up, and He will make way for you. Learn to surrender all your worries to God and let Him be the only source of your strength. You can share to Him all your burdens and let Him carry all of those things for you. God is your ultimate lover. He is the only one who can satisfy the emptiness in your heart. So choose to seek Him even if you are facing a lot of challenges in life.