You Can Always Seek Advice And Ask Some Help
It takes a humble heart for us to admit that we need some help. Sometimes, we just keep all the pain inside, thinking that we can make it all alone. But don’t you know that some people around you hold the answer to some of your life’s questions? It is not because they are experts with everything you’ve been going through but because they also experience the same thing you experienced. And we can always learn from them.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It simply means that you love yourself enough to find a way just for you to be okay. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You are human, and just like anybody else, we also need someone we can lean on. If you think that there’s no hope for you, maybe it’s time for you to ask for some help.
Of course, you can always pray to God, but sometimes He will also use the people around you. You just have to open your heart and allow them to help you in your situation. You need to acknowledge to yourself that you can’t make it on your own. It’s not that you just depend on them, but treat it as a favor from God. Yes, you can’t fully depend on them because you also need to really work on yourself, but receiving some help from others is not bad, after all.
If you think you can no longer take it anymore, then approach those trusted people in your life. You can share your problems with them. You can pour out to them and allow them to comfort you. If you don’t know what to do next, seek guidance from those people who already experienced what you’ve been going through.
Pray for a teachable heart. That you may learn to listen to people who are matured enough to guide you. Sometimes, God will use them to remind you about His great love. Always remember that no man is an island. You are not alone in this journey. Somewhere along the way, God will send people who will become your mentor. You just have to be humble enough to accept their corrections.
Accepting the truth is never an easy thing. But if you happen to meet people who are not really afraid to tell you the truth, keep them with you. They may be harsh sometimes, but you will learn a lot from them. Stop facing it all alone. Learn to open your heart for some words of wisdom. And one day, you will know what it means to help somebody else.

One Comment
Anthony Dcosta
Brother I am just tensed because I am waiting for my Visa . And top of I am going through lot of financial problem .But still I have kept my faith in God who will help me come of this financial problems .
Please pray for me Brother and always keep me In your prayer
Your’s Brother in Christ,
Anthony Dcosta.