Self Development

You Can Be Can Be A Victorious Warrior In A Wrong Battle

There are moments in life when we are too caught up in achieving the desires of our hearts. We tried different sorts of battles, and then we did everything just to be victorious. Yes, you became an ultimate warrior, but you realized that you are fighting the wrong battle. You exerted so much effort and time. You think that it’s the best for you, but still, you feel so empty and lost within. Yes, you win. But it never satisfies the thirst that you feel inside. It caused pain to other people, and you thought that going through that fight will heal your wounds, but then it only leads to deeper emptiness.

This is the reason why you need to choose your battle. Not all problems and situations in life are worth fighting for. Some of it will just waste your time. Try to evaluate the things that bother your heart and mind right now. Are they worth fighting for? When you win that battle, will you be able to do the will of God instead of following your own desires? If that fight just leads you to brokenness, then you better stop and surrender it in the arms of God. Stop holding on to things that are not meant for you to carry. Instead of listening to your own guts, why not listen to God’s voice and follow His ways.

Consult God first. Align your decisions to His words and listen to His corrections along the way. He will lead you to the right path. Just do the things that please His name and stop listening to the lies of the enemy.  Never rely on your own understanding. Remember that you still need to learn a lot of things in life. So let God teach you about the right thing to do. He will speak to your heart and in your prayer time. Connect to Him every day, and His light will always guide you.

May you learn to glorify God in every battle that you are in. You will know that you are in the right fight when God is glorified in the midst of the circumstances that you are facing. It’s when you choose to surrender your selfish desires and put God at the center of your life. It’s the right battle when you see His hands moving and changing your heart. It’s when you experience His peace even in the midst of hardships. Do not live this life on your own. Choose to spend more time with God, and His love will be your greatest weapon.