You can Choose the Pain of Growth over the Pain of Regret
Life will let you experience pain, but you can always choose which pain you are willing to go through? Is it the pain of growth or the pain of regret? You just need to carefully choose your battle. Sometimes, when we hear the word “pain,” we unknowingly find ways to avoid it. But all you need to do is choose the kind of pain the will make you grow as a better person. Remember that God gave you the freedom to choose. He provided you with enough wisdom to know what is right and wrong. You just have to listen to His still, small voice and trust in His instructions even if you can’t fully comprehend them. Know that God sees what’s ahead, and He just wants to prepare you.
Keep growing even if sometimes, it already hurts. Endure the process because it will all be worth it in the end. Do not focus on the hardships that you go through. Instead, open your eyes to the blessings and resources that God already provided for you. The journey will never be easy, but God promised in His word that He will be with you wherever you go. His love for you will never change. So whether you go through struggles or victory, He will stay beside you and hold your hands until the end of your journey. Let His presence in your life be your assurance that the pain of growth is always worth all your tears and effort.
Let God guide you in choosing the right battle in life. Sometimes, we tend to focus on the unnecessary things that will only destroy us in the end. But God knows a perfect way that will make you grow and mature. So let Him lead you. There are certain battles that are not worth fighting for. That’s why you should listen to God and abide in His ways, for He cares about you. The only way for you to know if it’s the right battle or not is by confirming it through His words. Get to know Him more so that you will learn how to manage the things that you can’t see.
Choose the kind of pain that will lead you closer to God. Include Him in every decision that you make. He will equip you with enough strength. Just depend on Him more than you rely on your own understanding. Do not be afraid of pain because God will be the one who will sustain you until the end. Just keep growing and stop walking on the path that you will regret in the end. Acknowledge God as your King, and He will let you experience the kind of pain that will change your life forever.

thank you lord!