Self Development

You can do it!

Maybe you are wondering about what the future brings. You have so many plans, but there are just moments when you feel like you can’t move forward. You encounter things that are out of your control, and you go through seasons when you feel so alone. Doubts try to consume your thoughts. Fear wanted to reign. You think that you can’t do it. But before you give up, please keep this in mind. God will never take you this far just to leave you. He didn’t bless you with more than what you could’ve asked for and then make you feel like you are abandoned. God is with you. He is giving you the strength that you need. That’s why you can do it! You will overcome your situation. You will move forward and victoriously finish your journey with God.

Focus on God’s miracles. Recall the good things that He did to you. Remember those moments when He saved you. Fix your eyes on His ways and saturate your mind with His promises. Let His instructions guide you through the light and allow Him to transform your life. When negative things try to destroy your peace, choose to pray and surrender everything to God. Don’t forget those precious times when He personally held you in His hands. Let your intimate moments with Him give you a reason to move forward. You will make it through. Just open your mind to what God has prepared for you.

Remember that the joy of the Lord is your strength. Let Him be the source of your hope. Let Him equip your soul. Choose to follow His will, and you will receive His joy. Please Him, and don’t rely on your own understanding. There may be things that you want to do, but align them first with God and ask for His approval. If He is the one who planted a certain desire in your heart, then trust that He will be there to help you. He will expose you to the right resources that you need. You just have to be sensitive to His voice so that you will be guided, especially in managing His blessings. Just treat Him as your God and let go of your own will.

You can do it! The God who created the universe is with you. He is walking with you along the journey. You may not feel Him, but He is preparing the blessings that you need. God will provide. He will show up according to His perfect timing. Don’t worry. He will never be late. God knows when you need certain things. He will assist and support you. You will make it! And it’s not because of your own knowledge and strength. It’s not because of your own abilities and talents. But it’s all because of His great mercy and love.