You can Experience Glimpses of Heaven here on Earth
There are countless good things that are happening around you. If you just open your eyes to the blessings of God, you will feel in awe because they are like glimpses of heaven here on earth. Your life is full of miracles, but you fail to see them because you always focus on the negative things around you. Your mind is full of worries and cares. And instead of thanking God for what you experienced, you end up questioning His ways because you expect your life to be different. The only way for you to appreciate the things that He gives is for you to stop focusing on your problems. Seek Gods’ love and let His goodness remind you to be grateful. And only then will you see heaven here on earth. You will be able to taste His love and faithfulness. So while you are still breathing, embrace the goodness of God and stay in His presence. And the warm feeling you will feel inside will give you an idea of how great heaven is. Yes, it’s something you can never fathom, or comprehend but you will know that it’s too good to be true the moment you encounter His perfect love and amazing grace.
The love that you feel inside feels like heaven. It’s when you think that all things fall in the perfect place and all you see are the good things around. When you are in love, you will feel so grateful deep within, even if you are surrounded by so many problems. You will see the positive side of things and no matter where life takes you, the love that you have inside will push you to move forward and it will help you see the bright future ahead.
You can only experience that kind of love in the arms of God. He alone can satisfy your heart. The love that you feel from other people is temporary but His perfect love will last even until eternity. And you can embrace its fullness the moment you go to heaven. So if even now, you already feel whole and happy within, how much more when you will be with Him in heaven. For sure, that day is going to be worth all your tears and sacrifices.
The joy that you experience with the people around you is more important than the riches you will acquire here on earth. The memories you have with them are like precious treasures that you can carry with you when you grow old. The happy days you spend with the right people are like heaven because it’s when you truly feel deep joy within. And when you go through so much pain and heartaches, those good times will remind you that your life here on earth is not that miserable because, despite the pain you feel, you still experience good times in the presence of others. You may not see its value for now, but one day when you will go through the wilderness season. The smile and laughter that you had in the past will give you enough courage to move forward. So enjoy the company of those that God allowed you to meet even in a short period of time because they are part of the reasons why you taste a glimpse of heaven in this broken world.
Above all, the presence of God is more than enough for you to say that heaven is truly a place full of His glory. Even here on earth, His presence is already overwhelming, then how much more in heaven. For sure, things will be so different. There will be no more tears and no more hunger, but you will experience the fullness of God’s love and blessings. The wonderful thing about God is that even if we can’t fully comprehend the heavenly things, He still gives us a taste of what it feels like to be there. It may be just a tiny portion of what’s waiting for us when we stay faithful to Him. But those small yet very glorious things remind us that heaven is worth all our pain.