You can Find Peace even if you don’t Understand Everything
We somehow find it hard to live a peaceful life because we try to understand things that are beyond what we can comprehend. We wrestle with our minds and try to figure out what might happen next, but then, life is always uncertain. Unless you accept that fact, you will find it hard to rest because your mind won’t stop thinking about your future or the situation you are in. Please remember that you always have a choice. You can receive peace from God even if you don’t have any clue about what’s going on. You can rest in His presence and be assured in His promises. All you have to do is to increase your faith. Know that God is powerful enough to sustain you until the end.
You don’t have to figure out everything before you give yourself the chance to experience peace. Just surrender all your questions to God and let Him move in your life. Sometimes, it’s not about the answers, but it’s all about your obedience to Him. It’s about listening to His voice even if you are surrounded by uncertainties. All you need is the assurance that no matter what you experience, God will always be there to guide and protect you. He is faithful and true to His words. He said that He will take good care of you. So believe in Him and stop looking for answers. Move forward even if you are not sure about the road that you are taking. Your Heavenly Father will carry you when you feel tired. Just trust Him.
Peace is a gift from God. You need to receive it. Just open your heart and allow Him to come in. Do not rely on your own strength. Whether you like it or not, you will feel tired if you keep on looking at yourself. Focus on God, and He will give you rest. He is your home. It means that you can always come to His presence and find comfort in His arms. When you don’t know what to do, let the promises of God remind you to keep pushing because His great blessings are waiting for you.
Just depend on God and not on your own understanding. Consult Him about what you wanted to do in your life and acknowledge the truth that He alone can give you the security you need. When you experience His power, you will realize that you already have all you need. Understanding everything will not really give you the assurance that your life will be better. But the moment you choose to have faith, God’s great love will transform the way you see things, and He will be the one who will give you the peace that you need.

Lynn Reagan
Amen 🙏, for all of our Lords daily Blessings for all his daily blessings.