You Can Never Fathom The Plans Of God In Your Life
You may think that the plans you have in mind are the best for you. But God sees what’s ahead, and His plans are just too great for you to comprehend. That’s why instead of asking for an explanation, trust that God already prepared everything for you. Align your plans to His will and choose to trust in Him. Include Him in every decision that you make and put Him in the center of your life. He will lead you to the right path. You may think that you are going through the wrong road because you face many obstacles but trust in God more than you rely on your own understanding. He knows what He is doing, and He will always take good care of you.
Keep on walking even if the road is not clear. Let God hold your hands, and do not be afraid. He is just testing your faith, and He wanted you to grow. If you are not sure about the things that you are doing, then learn to trust God even in the midst of uncertainties. Look forward to the great plans He prepared for you. Focus on the good things in your life so that you will have enough courage to move. Do not focus on your negative emotions. Acknowledge it, but never allow it to control your life. Instead, remind yourself that God is in charge, and you are always safe in His arms.
Choose to thank God when things don’t go according to your way. It simply means that God is doing something behind the scene. He is just preparing you for what’s ahead. He is teaching you how to become responsible and mature enough to handle His great blessings. So be patient along the process. Stop doing things on your own. Learn to trust in the ways of God and let Him move in your life. If you wanted to fulfill His desires in your life, then you need to keep on going even if you can’t understand what’s happening.
Acknowledge the truth that His plans are greater than what you think. If you only realize that God wanted you to experience the best things in life, you will learn to depend more on Him. Never limit the power of God in your mind. Let Him perform miracles. One day, you will receive His promises. And only then will you realize that the journey is worth fighting for.

One Comment
Glory to god….
.a few month i am in out of mind…
I do no what happening in my life, physically ,mentallly i am suffering lot😭😭😭 ….. feeling depressing ,always some of kind of anixety,feeling like death like symptoms in body ,i have 8 month old baby,i am not even enjoy with my baby, totally stressed….. fulll of negative thoughts…. i mummuring daily god where r u , can you hear i pray😭😭😭😭, pls god help like that….. while i reading ur pursued tearing in my eye..god sent me msg….i had hope , i strongly beliving god ….i am strong trust on him that nothing happen worst for me and my family….. pls kindly pray for me and my family ,my little son for peace and health life…..