You can never Please Everyone
You will slowly lose yourself if you keep on thinking about other people’s opinions. You can never make everyone happy. Whether you like it or not, there will be moments when you will receive unwanted comments from others. They may hurt at first, but later on, you will realize that what matters most in life is not the opinions of others, but it’s about how God sees you. So stop doing the unnecessary things that people ask you to do. You don’t have to appear strong when you are not. You don’t have to strive for things you don’t really want. Stop reaching the success that other people want for you. You always have the freedom to say no. God gave you the resources and the courage that you need. You just have to believe in the things that He has given you.
Go and expose the light you have within. You are created as a unique being. God gave you talent, skills and understanding. Get up and use them to glorify His name. Do not allow the perspective of others to hinder you from living your best life. Remember that you are here to please God. Continue to respect and serve others, but don’t treat them as the ruler of your life. God planted a desire in your heart that fits your potential and the resources that He gave. You need to use them so that you can bless more people. Don’t be afraid. God will give you the strength that you need.
Let God’s voice motivate you. Listen to Him. Others may give you their standards and expectations, but you are not obliged to follow their will. You have your own choice. Sometimes, you feel like you can’t do anything else but obey them because choosing the opposite path is too risky and scary for you. But remember that God didn’t create you to fulfill somebody’s dream. You are here because He planted a unique desire in your heart. So choose to follow His will even if it feels uncomfortable at first. You may not see the blessing behind what He asked you to do, but when the perfect time comes, He will reveal the wonderful things He prepared.
Choose to please your one and only King. When you put His Kingdom first, everything in your life will prosper. It may not happen immediately, but when you allow Him to rule your life, you also plant fruitful seeds in your heart. When the time is right, those tiny seeds will grow and bear fruit that will not just bless your life but also those who are broken and in pain. Set your eyes on His word, and you will discover who you truly are in the eyes of God.