You can Overcome all your Defeats by Receiving God’s Grace
Don’t dwell on the failures that you experienced. You will be overwhelmed if you keep on thinking of what’s wrong. You can list down the lessons that you learned, but don’t treat your mistakes as if it’s your identity. Your decisions may affect your life, but they can never define who you are. Take charge of your thoughts, and don’t be trapped by the lies of the enemy. You can still move forward and start again. All you need to do is receive God’s grace. Open your heart so that you will be able to receive the blessings that He prepared for you in this season. Sometimes, it’s not a matter of your own strength and understanding, but it’s about how you open your heart to God’s power and mercy. He alone can help you stand again. Your own efforts and abilities are not enough. It will only last for a moment. But with God, you will always be sustained.
His grace will keep you going. You may try your best to get up on your own, but what you have is temporary. You need to learn how to rely on the only source that will never run dry. In the arms of God, you will never feel thirsty and hungry. He is always there to equip you and give you everything that you need to overcome the obstacles that you face. You just need to learn how to humbly receive His miracles. Acknowledge His power and allow Him to take over. Give Him the authority to change your thoughts, and only then will you receive His light. Accept the truth that you badly need God, and you will slowly open your heart for more of His ways.
Surrender the disappointments and regrets to God. What hinders you from moving forward is the thought that you still want to change what happened. Truth is, you can never turn back and change your decisions. In short, you no longer have the ability to control your situation. That’s why you need to give up and let go. Let the disappointments open your heart to better choices. Let your regrets lead you to grow and flourish. And allow God to give you the strength to face the consequences. Depend on Him and from then on, align your thoughts to His will.
Let His kindness motivate you to change your ways. Respond to His love and accept the truth that you are His beloved. It means that He cares for you. If you learn to accept that kind of love, then He will surely open your eyes to the great possibilities ahead. His grace will inspire you to do the right thing. When you humbly receive Him, you will also have a reason to make better choices ahead. Your mind will no longer be occupied with selfish desires because His love will lead you to desire more of Him.