You Can Process Your Emotions By Talking To God
Your emotions are not meant to be ignored. God created you as a human being, and it’s part of who you are. So learn to acknowledge it even if it’s hard. Love yourself by accepting the things that you feel inside. You deserve to be heard and know that God is always listening to you. If you don’t know how to process your emotions, just talk to God and share everything you feel. Only then, will He reveal the things that are going on in your heart, and He will open your eyes so that you will see things the way He sees them. Treat Him as your friend. Know that He can handle every negative thing that you feel. Remember that you have a loving Father, and you can always pour out everything to Him.
Learn to deal with what you feel and turn it into prayers. Stop ignoring it because it will become a big hole in your heart if you keep on putting it aside. Let God give you the chance to face it. Rely on His strength and do not focus on your own knowledge. God can change your heart if you will just allow Him. He will reveal to you the reason behind what you feel, and He will teach you how to be fully aware of yourself. God’s love will consume your heart, and you will begin to trust Him. When that happens, you will also learn to take good care of yourself.
God is just waiting for you to share all your thoughts and heartaches. He will not force you to do it because He gave you the freedom to make choices. Remember that you are always welcome in the arms of God. When you just can’t take it anymore, you can run to your Father, and He will comfort you with His love. Cry out everything to Him, and He will wipe away your tears. You can always trust the grace of God. It will give you enough courage to move forward despite the pain.
God understands what you feel. He knows you from the inside out. Remember that He is your creator. That’s why He is aware of your story. Trust Him and stop doubting in His goodness. Believe with all your heart that God can turn things around. He is just teaching you how to take charge of yourself so that you will not easily get swayed by the entertainment of this world. You will realize that you are actually growing when you learn to process what you feel. It’s not going to be easy. But God is always there to teach how to do it.

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