Faith,  Love

You can receive Perfect Love here on Earth

If you are wondering if you can still experience a love that won’t fail and disappoint you, then this is your answer – perfect love exists. Someone loves you with all His heart. And unlike human beings, He will never break His promises. He will never make you feel like you are worthless. So come in His presence, and you will receive perfect love even if you are living in this broken world. In Him, you will receive strength and confidence. People will break your heart, but He can mend and make it whole again. Others can take you for granted, but God’s love will make you feel like you are a child of a King. He can turn your tears into joyful singing. There is still hope, so don’t give up and open your heart so that He can enter.

When you find it hard to move forward, just remember that you can still experience happiness within. Don’t quit too soon because the time will come when the love you receive will be greater than the pain you experienced. Come to Jesus, and He will quench the thirst in your heart. He will make you realize what it means to live in His presence. Life may be full of challenges, but if you only accept God’s great love for you, then you will find the grace to pursue the desires that He planted in your heart. If you acknowledge that He is all you need, then you will find peace everywhere you go. The things of this world will never disturb you.

You can find healing in the arms of God. The imperfect love that you will experience from others can possibly break your heart, but in Him, you will find rest and comfort. He will make you feel satisfied until that day comes when you no longer rely on what other people can give to you. But you will fully depend on God’s mercy and grace. Once you receive Him, you will stop looking for pleasures in the wrong places. Instead, you will find joy in doing the things that please His Name. You will learn to offer happy sacrifices for His glory.

In Him, you will find a perfect and pure love – one that never fails. He doesn’t ask anything in return. He loves you not because of what you have, but He accepts you for who you are regardless of your weaknesses and strengths. He believes in your potential. So seek Him first, and He will support you all throughout the way. His kindness will make you feel so special, and His hand will continue to lead you to the right path. His perfect love will give you the motivation to do what is right even in seasons of pain and suffering. You can do impossible things with His help.

There is a perfect love that’s waiting for you. I pray that you will learn to receive it so that you’ll live a fulfilled and victorious life. Share to Him your heart and be vulnerable in His presence. Let Him express to you how great His love is through the blessings that He gives.

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