Self Development

You can still make Changes in your Life

There is still hope. You may think that you are walking in the darkness, but you can still see the light ahead. You can make changes if you want. God gave you the freedom to make your own decisions. Use the resources that He gave and do something about your situation. You are surrounded by so many choices. Sometimes, you haven’t considered those difficult answers because you are scared of the outcome. But know that God is there to guide you. The next steps may appear so painful, but that is part of the process. Just be patient and know that He will be there to give you the strength that you need.

Change is sometimes scary. The unknown future is not easy to face. There will be times when you feel so anxious about what lies ahead, but please never forget that God is already there. He knows what’s waiting for you and as long as His hands are moving, it means that you will be safe. So don’t face the journey on your own. Ask for His guidance and listen to His voice. His plans for you are greater than what you have in mind. Your fears may try to control your decisions, but you always have the freedom to do what is right. You just need to take courage and believe in His promises.

Don’t allow other people to control your life. You may think that your future depends on their hands, but the truth is, God alone holds your tomorrow. So don’t allow their painful words to discourage you. Read the scriptures and remind yourself about the identity that God has given you. Believe in Him because He knows you from the inside out. He is the only One who has the right to dictate your future. Respect others, but don’t allow their negative actions to slowly kill your hopes. Bear in mind that God will continue to bless you no matter what happens.

If you think that you are walking on the wrong path, then remember that you can always take the opposite road. If you know that you are leading to terrible heartache, then you can stop and make the right decisions. Don’t wait for the worst things to happen. Act now before it’s too late. The world won’t stop revolving, so might as well do your part and choose to follow God.