Self Development

You Can Take Control Of Yourself

You can take control of your emotions and everything that’s going on in your mind. God gave you the freedom to choose, and that simply means you have the power to control what’s going on inside you. The negative emotions may try to consume your thoughts. But remember that you can possibly choose to think of the positive things that are happening in your life. You are not a robot. Yes, you can never stop the situations around you, but you have the right to decide for yourself regardless of the things that are happening in your surroundings. You are a child of God, and that truth alone proves that He already equipped you to live a victorious life.

Never allow the negative thoughts to influence your actions. If you wanted to think of the positive things in life, then fill your mind with thoughts that will inspire you to keep on moving. Listen to inspirational content, watch movies that will give you hope. Fill your mind with God’s promises. And stop comparing yourself to others. Your social media feed may lead you to think that your achievements are nothing compared to your friends, but remind yourself that you have a different timeline. God’s plans are greater than what you are going through. So let Him change your thoughts and set your eyes on the things above. Seek His kingdom and choose to please Him rather than the people around you.

Focus on the things that you can control. Maybe you feel so disappointed at the same time scared because you tend to focus on your challenges, but remember that you can never control them. Instead, you can absolutely change your mindset towards the problems that you are facing. Expose yourself to an environment that will increase your faith, and only then will you start to see things differently. You can do something about your situation. Your reaction towards everything that you are going through depends on how you see yourself as a person.

Allow God to guide you on what to do. He alone can change your thoughts. He will lead you to greater things if you will just allow Him. He will empower you to make better decisions. His love will give you the courage to keep on walking in life. All you have to do is open your heart and mind so that He can come in and replace your negative thoughts with a Heavenly perspective.


  • Abigael A .Boncato

    Thank you so much for your Inspiring messages everyday that really empower because I really relate to every post you made 🙏❤Im so blessed that you help me and other people to see light in their way..Godbless to your Page and Be the Favor of God be upon you Now and Forever.🙏😇😇

  • Abigael A .Boncato

    Thank you so much for your Inspiring messages everyday that really empower because I really relate to every post you made 🙏❤Im so blessed that you help me and other people to see light in their way..Godbless to your Page and Be the Favor of God be upon you Now and Forever.🙏😇😇

    Thank you so much for your Inspiring messages everyday that really empower because I really relate to every post you made 🙏❤Im so blessed that you help me and other people to see light in their way..Godbless to your Page and Be the Favor of God be upon you Now and Forever.🙏😇😇